Current projects


Marketing and European market introduction for a revolutionary new drying system for biomass. This new biomass-drying system will revolutionize the use of biomass residues in higher power bands of around 5 MW to 100 MW.


EU project with Bulgaria. Currently we are conducting a project for know-how-transfer, that connects Austrian companies and organizations with Bulgarian ones. Main focus is the creation of new jobs trough new technologies and trainings in this area.


Marketing of a revolutionary multi-biomass-system. Together with an Austrian metal construction company that is specialized in the storage and dosage of biomass in and from silos we developed a completely new biomass system that uses different kinds of dry biomass (like woodchips, corncobs, straw, shells etc) for energy production. This system does not have a big footstep for storage facilities, no work or machine hours for filling, lowest emissions, and investment costs 30% to 50% lower than other biomass systems. We can deliver turn-key plants up to 3 MW, and storage facilities, fully automatic control without the furnace for plants bigger than 3 MW.


Feasability study for MCE construction and engineering – now Bilfinger. Study for the possibilities of market entrance in the field of a new technology for biomass drying.


Creation of a curriculum for European Eco-Counsellors including e-learning tool. Within the frame of a LEONARDO project we developed a modern e-learning tool for the europe-wide standardised training course for eco-counsellors.
In cooperation with the Upper Austrian Training Institute BFI – a leading partner for vocational education, we developed a curriculum for such a course..


Building-up of collection system for used-cooking oil (UCO) in Romania. In the last years we built up a completely new collection system for a biodiesel producer and the oil collected is used for biodiesel production in Austria.


Consulting for the Austrian Eco-Label in tourism. We consulted Austrian companies that want to implement this label. The results were used for marketing purposes.


Biodiesel project for Schachinger Logistics. The more than 150 trucks of the company are currently converted for the use of 100% biodiesel. There were only few technical but mainly logistical measures – specially in the procurement -  that had to be taken.
Around one third of the trucks have been converted and a sustainability programme has been installed!


Eco-balance municipality of Puchenau/Upper Austria. The whole administration of the municipality of Puchenau has been analyzed usind a software-tool.
The results were interesting: Most of the planned reduction of energy use could be established only by renovation of only one building, the local school complex. Our pre-study built the basis for a contracting project that brought the planned results.


Analysis of the public lighting infrastructure of the municipality of Steyregg/Upper Austria. We analysed the whole existing lighting infrastructure and made proposals for costs cutting measures.


Feasability study Donautouristik. We analysed the logistics of the company and proved the possibility of conversion to biodiesel use.